[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.edwedig.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/distancecalc3.swf” height=”192″ width=”450″ fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” /]This is a small application that I built using Flash. It’s meant for science fiction based games where someone needs to determine the distance between 2 points. Entering in the 2 coordinates, Location and Destination, the app calculates the distance between the 2 points.
byTag Archives: Flash
Burning Wheel Dice Roller
[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.edwedig.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/burningwheeldiceroller.swf ” height=”447″ width=”250″ fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” /]This is a dice roller I built, in Flash, for the Burning Wheel game I was running in 2006. It was nice to have a dice roller on my laptop so that I could make secret rolls for or against the PCs without the players knowing.
The dice roller is pretty simple. You enter in the number of dice to be rolled at the top, and then select the type of dice (Black, Grey or White) from the pull down. Clicking the Roll button at the button “rolls” the dice. Successful rolls are shown in brackets, like this: , and failures are shown like this:. The dice roller also totals the number of successful and failure dice at the bottom.
The zip file includes both the standalone .exe file, and the .swf file (for embedding in blogs, webpages, and wikis).
byold Docbrown.net website (Flash) – September 2002
This was an entirely Flash-based website. I created it as an example of the power of Flash, it loaded quickly, scaled to different sized browser windows, and had lots of interactive features.